Some Tips to Help You Choose the Right Firm? 4 of 4
, by Sacha Rene, 1 min reading time
, by Sacha Rene, 1 min reading time
Now it remains to choose the accessories to help the installation of the equipment as well as the passage and management of the cables One important thing to remember, managing cables in a 24-inch-wide cabinet isn’t always easy. So, the following suggestions will be based on a 30-inch wide cabinet:
Priority number 1: Vertical and horizontal cable management.
For vertical management, several choices are available, but what we see most often are vertical managers with fingers, can install them as well at the front, at the back of the cabinet or both.
Then come the vertical managers with doors. Some still use them.
For horizontal managers, the 1U and 2U versions are the most popular, they allow you to properly manage your connection cords, whether they are copper or fiber optic.
If you have connections or connections that will have to go from the front of the cabinet to the back or from the back of the cabinet to the front. It would be a good idea to install rear front wire passes on either side of your practice.
Now to install your equipment, you’ll probably want to install tablets to support the heaviest equipment. These shelves should also be fixed to the 4 corners on the mounting rails. They can be fixed or sliding according to your needs. Don’t forget to plug unused spaces with shutter panels. You can also add different components to monitor environmental conditions inside the office We will talk about these items as well as the different options to lock your practice in a future blog.